Gennady is Assistant Professor and Computational Population Biology group leader at the one of the largest research medical hospital in Europe, Erasmus MC Medical Center. His research focused on developing and application of methods for the integrative analysis of large-scale biological, epidemiological and clinical data.
Gennady has a broad background in statistics, computer science, machine learning, deep learning, medical image analysis and genomics.
Since 2019 Gennady is chairing Machine Learning working group in The Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium
Since 2021 Gennady is also leading Bioinformatics Working group in Genomics of MusculoSkeletal traits Translational Network
Gennady is co-founder of Erasmus MC squAIre (Society for Quantitative Artificial Intelligence Research)
Member of The Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam (BIGR) operational board and responsible for Business Development.
Departments of Epidemiology, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Departments of Epidemiology, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Departments of Epidemiology, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Research and development engineer in the field of network security and mathematical modelling.
Participated in several projects, about machine learning and algorithm optimization for fast big data processing.
Department of Lunar and Planetary Research, Sternberg Astronomical Institute
Work in the project on the analysis of the satellite images.
Development of software for the analysis of a large number of images
Develop an algorithm to automatically search for specific patterns on the image and fast computation
Optimization of the theoretical model to estimate the age of rocks on the Moon
Laboratory of Maidanak Observatory, Sternberg Astronomical Institute.
Work on construction of an accretion disks’ model of active galactic nuclei to determine the masses of black holes.
Department of Extragalactic Astronomy, Sternberg Astronomical Institute. Conducted research on models of gravitational lenses to determine the masses of exoplanets.
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